Thursday, March 17, 2011

We'releaving for Spain!

Today is the day that we leave for Spain! There is 9 students going to Spain, and none of us could sleep a wink last night! We will be getting on a plane at around 4 in the afternoon, and when we get to Spain it will be very early in the morning in America, but because of the time change, it will be time to get going for the next day for the time in Spain. Everyone was too eager to fall asleep, and wanted to try to start adjusting to the time change!

Monday, March 14, 2011


In 3 days 9 juniors and seniors are hopping on a plane and heading to Spain. The students leave around 10 in the morning to go to the Minneapolis airport, they get on the plane and later will arrive at Amsterdam. From Amsterdam the next flight will take them to Madrid, Spain. In Spain there will be many activities for the students, and sights for them to visit. They will be there for 15 days, and for 5 of the days they will be staying with a host family. The families are in contact with their families and are eager to meet them.